WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Nacionalna Strategija Zastite mentalnog Zdravlja Za Razdoblje Od 2011. Do 2016. Godine (National Strategy for Mental Health Care 2011-2016)

Government of the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia Country Resources Mental Health Strategies and Plans Croatia 31 December 2010 Guidelines

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Svrha donošenja ove Strategije upravo je da u skladu s već donesenim
komplementarnim strategijama na drugim područjima, a posebice onima na području zaštite
zdravlja, uspostavi smjernice kojima bi se unaprijedili postojeći i razvili novi načini zaštite
mentalnog zdravlja, smanjila pojava duševnih poremećaja, povećala ujednačena dostupnost kvalitetnog i pravovremenog liječenja, rehabilitacije i društvenog uključivanja osoba s duševnim poremećajima, jačajući i njihovu ulogu u odlučivanju u navedenim procesima, a s ciljem povećanja osobnog zadovoljstva i zdravlja građana, smanjenja troškova te poticanja ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja.

The purpose of this strategy is just to comply with the already adopted
complementary strategies in other areas, particularly those in the field of
health, establishing guidelines that would enhance existing and develop new ways of protecting persons with mental health illnesses, reducing the occurrence of mental health disorders, increase the availability for care and timely treatment, rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with mental disorders, and strengthen their role in decision-making in these processes, as to increase personal satisfaction and health of citizens, reduce costs and encourage economic and social development.


In Croatian
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