WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Zakon O Zastiti Prava Pacijenata (Patients' Bill of Rights )

Parliament of the Republic of Croatia Country Resources General Health Legislation Croatia 31 December 2004 Legislation/regulation

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From the first article:

Ovim se Zakonom određuju prava pacijenata prilikom koriš­tenja zdravstvene zaštite te način zaštite i promicanja tih prava. Pacijentom u smislu ovoga Zakona smatra se svaka osoba, bolesna ili zdrava, koja zatraži ili kojoj se pruža određena mjera ili usluga u cilju očuvanja i unaprjeđenja zdravlja, sprječavanja bolesti, liječenja ili zdravstvene njege i rehabilitacije.

This Act specifies patients' rights when using health care and guides how the protection and promotion of these rights shall be established.
Patients under this Act shall be considered a person, sick or healthy, in need of services in order to safeguard and promote health, prevention of illness, treatment or medical care and rehabilitation.


In Croatian
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