WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Strategija Razvoja Sustava Socijalne Skrbi U Republic Hrvatskoj 2011. - 2016. (Strategy for the Social Welfare Development in the Republic of Croatia 2011-2016)

Vlada Republike Hrvatske Ministarstvo Zdravstva i Socijalne Skrbi Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Croatia 31 December 2011 Guidelines

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Kao i u mnogim europskim zemljama, jedna od mogućih posljedica
gospodarske krize može biti i osporavanje socijalnih prava, a ova strategija predstavlja napore Vlade Republike Hrvatske u boljem ciljanju mjera sustava socijalne skrbi kako bi se postiglo osiguranje minimalnog životnog standarda najugroženijeg dijela stanovništva, te primjereno zadovoljavanje potreba socijalno osjetljivih skupina.

As in many European countries, one of the possible consequences of the economic crisis can be the impact on the social rights. This strategy is the efforts Croatian government needs to undertake in order to better target the social welfare system in order to ensure the minimum standard of living are met, and appropriately meeting the needs of vulnerable groups.


In Croatian
English, 470.1 kB pdf

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