WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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치매관리법 (Dementia Management Act)

Government of the Republic of Korea Country Resources Neurological disorders including dementia Republic of Korea 4 August 2011 Legislation/regulation

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이 법은 치매의 예방, 치매환자의 진료·요양 및 치매퇴치를 위한 연구 등에 관한 정책을 종합적으로 수립·시행함으로써 치매로 인한 개인적 고통과 피해 및 사회적 부담을 줄이고 국민건강증진에 이바지함을 목적으로 한다.

The purpose of this Act is to mitigate personal suffering and harm from dementia and a burden to society, and to contribute to enhancing national health by establishing and implementing a comprehensive policy on the prevention of dementia, the medical treatment and nursing of dementia patients, and research for the eradication of dementia.

This Act was first enacted on 04 August, 2011; it has not been amended since.

This document was uploaded to MiNDbank on 15 March, 2014.


Korean, 16.6 kB pdf
English, 239.7 kB pdf

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