WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

공공보건의료 확충 종합대책 (Comprehensive Plan for the Expansion of Public Health and Medical Care)

Ministry of Health and Welfare Government of the Republic of Korea Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Republic of Korea 1 December 2005 Policy document

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본 종합대책은 공공보건의료를 확충하여 보건의료를 지속발전가능한 체계로 개편함으로써 국민의료비의 합리적 수준 유지와 국민건강권의 보호를 목적으로 함. 주요 정책과제는 다음과 같음:
1) 공공보건의료체계 개편 및 효율화;
2) 고령사회 대비 공공보건의료 역할 투자 확대;
3) 예방중심의 질병관리체계 확립;
4) 필수보건의료 안전망 확충.

This comprehensive measure aims to expand public health and medical care and reorganize it into a sustainable system, so as to maintain national healthcare costs at a reasonable level and protect the health rights of the citizens. The main policy issues include the following:
1) Reorganization and improvement of efficiency of the public health and medical care system;
2) expansion of investment in the role of public health and medical care in preparation of an aging society;
3) establishment of a prevention-focused disease management system; and
4) expansion of the essential health and medical care safety net.


Korean, 2.1 MB pdf

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