WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

여성장애인 역량강화를 위한 교육사업 추진계획(안) (Plan for an Education Project to Strengthen Capacities of Women with Disabilities)

Ministry of Health and Welfare Government of the Republic of Korea Country Resources Disability Strategies and Plans Republic of Korea 16 February 2006 Policy document

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본 계획안의 목적은 장애와 여성이라는 이중제약으로 교육의 기회를 갖지 못한 여성장애인에게 기초 학습과정 및 자립을 위한 사회교육을 실시하여 사회적 참여기회 확대와 삶의 질 향상을 도모함에 있다. 계획의 주요내용은 다음과 같다:
1) 저학력 여성장애인의 기초학습능력 증진 교육;
2) 사회교육 및 자격증 취득을 위한 교육 실시 등;
3) 향후 금년도 사업결과를 평가하여 여성장애인의 리더쉽 강화를 위한 여성학, 리더쉽 훈련의 실시 등을 검토.

The purpose of this plan is to expand opportunities for social participation and improve the quality of life for women with disabilities who had limited educational opportunities due to the dual constraints of their disabilities and female gender. This plan aims to do so by providing basic education and social education for independent living to those women.
The main components of the plan include:
1) Education to enhance basic learning abilities among women with disabilities with less education; 2) Provision of social education and training to obtain certificates/licensure; and
3) Plan to strengthen leadership among women with disabilities by providing training in e.g. feminine studies or leadership.


Korean, 450.7 kB pdf

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