WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Wet tot bescherming van de maatschappij tegen abnormalen en de gewoontemisdadigers (Law on the protection of society against abnormal and habitual criminals)

Belgian Federal Government (Kingdom of Belgium) Country Resources Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides Belgium 9 September 1990 Legislation/regulation

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This document applies to all regions in Belgium.

Wanneer er gronden zijn om aan te nemen dat de verdachte verkeert, hetzij in staat van krankzinnigheid, hetzij in een ernstige staat van geestesstoornis of van zwakzinnigheid die hem ongeschikt maakt tot het controleren van zijn daden, kunnen de onderzoeksgerechten, in de gevallen waarin de wet voorlopige hechtenis toelaat, een aanhoudingsbevel verlenen om hem in observatie te stellen.

When there are grounds to believe that a suspect is found to be either in a state of insanity or in a serious state of mental disorder or dementia that makes him unfit to control his actions, the investigation courts may, on the basis of this law, arrest him/or her for observation.

Law Amended on 31 December 2012.
Document uploaded on 9 May 2014.


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