WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Ley 22/2000 de Acogida de Personas Mayores (Law 22/2000 for the Care of Older Persons)

Spain Generality of Catalonia Country Resources Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards Spain 29 December 2000 Legislation/regulation

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1. Personas acogedoras y acogidas conviven en una misma vivienda habitual, sea de las personas acogedoras, sea la de las acogidas, con el objeto de que los primeros cuiden de los segundos, les den alimentos, les presten asistencia, procuren su bienestar general y les atiendan en situaciones de enfermedad.
2. Personas acogedoras y acogidas deben prestarse ayuda mutua y compartir los gastos del hogar y el trabajo doméstico de la forma pactada, que debe responder a las posibilidades reales de cada parte.
3. La contraprestación puede realizarse mediante la cesión de bienes muebles, bienes inmuebles o en dinero.
4. Las personas acogedoras deben promover la constitución de la tutela si las personas acogidas están en situación de ser sometidas a ella.
5. El domicilio donde tiene lugar la acogida debe tener condiciones de habitabilidad y accesibilidad tanto infraestructurales como de servicios.

1 Fostered people living in a common residence to be cared for and provided with adequate nutrition, assistance, general welfare and care in situations of illness.
2 Fostered people to be friendly with each other and assist each other through sharing household expenses and domestic work of the agreed form, in order to respond to the real possibilities of each part.
3 The consideration may be accomplished by the transfer of personal property, real estate or cash.
4. Fostered people should promote the establishment of guardianship if those admitted are in a position of being subjected to it.
5 The fostering facilities should be in good conditions and accessible both in infrastructure and in services.


WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.