WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Jobbstrategi for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne (Jobs Strategy for People with Disabilities)

Norwegian Ministry of Labour Country Resources Disability Strategies and Plans Norway 1 January 2012 Policy document

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Jobbstrategien ble iverksatt i 2012. Jobbstrategien er videreført og styrket med nye tiltak i 2013. Hovedmålgruppen er uforandret og omfatter unge under 30 år med nedsatt funksjonsevne som trenger bistand for å komme i jobb. Strategien peker på fire barrierer: en diskrimineringsbarriere, en kostnadsbarriere, en produktivitetsbarriere og en informasjons- og holdningsbarriere.

Strategien inneholder en rekke tiltak som skal brukes til å bistå arbeidssøkere og arbeidsgivere som ansetter personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne eller tilbyr praksisplasser, blant annet en tilretteleggingsgaranti, et nytt tilretteleggingstilskudd til arbeidssøkere og flere oppfølgingstiltak.

The Jobs Strategy for People with Disabilities was introduced in 2012, and will continue in 2013 strengthened with further measures. These initiatives are supplementary to the Government’s overall policy of contributing to a more inclusive workplace for vulnerable groups. The main target group remains the same, people with disabilities under the age of 30.

In the Jobs Strategy four barriers are identified as preventing people with disabilities from gaining employment: Discrimination barrier, cost barrier, productivity barrier and information and attitudinal barrier. These barriers affect both job-seekers and employers. Instruments covered by the Jobs Strategy are geared to reducing these barriers. Many measures have been launched aimed at increasing labour market participation and assisting employers who employ persons with disabilities or who provide places for work experience programmes, including facilitation and follow-up measures.


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