WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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الاستراتيجية الوطنية لرعاية المسنين في السودان 2015 (Sudan National Strategy for the Care of Elderly People)

Sudan Ministry of Welfare and Social Security Dr Reda Ali Saed Country Resources Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards Sudan 23 May 2015 Policy document

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جاء اهتمام الدولة بوضع استراتيجية قومية لرعاية و حماية المسنين لتكون نتاج للمشاركة الفعالة لكل من قطاع العام و الخاص اضافة لمنظمات المجتمع المدني حتى تصبح توجه الزامي لكل مكونات المجتمع السوداني نجو هذه الفئة من المجتمع حفظا لكرامتهم و اعترافا بما قدموه لوطنهم و صونا لحقوقهم في حياة كريمة في مظلة اسرهم و كفالة الدولة لهم في رعاية صحية و عناية معنوية.

The concern of the Sudanese state in the improvement of the status of elderly citizens was reflected in the development of a national care and protection of older people's strategy. This strategy is a product of the active participation of both the public and private sectors, in addition to civil society organizations. This strategy forms the basis of the framework for the Sudanese society towards this vulnerable category of citizens in order to protect their dignity, recognise their contributions to their homeland and to safeguard their rights to a decent life in the umbrella of their families and ensure the state to them in the health care and moral attention.


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