WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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The Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan

Australian Government; The Department of Health (2017) Country Resources Mental Health Strategies and Plans Australia 4 August 2017 Policy document

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For the first time this plan commits all governments to work together to achieve integration in planning and service delivery at a regional level. Importantly it demands that consumers and carers are central to the way in which services are planned, delivered and evaluated. Furthermore this plan recognises the tragic impact of suicide on the lives of so many Australians and
sets a clear direction for coordinated actions by both levels of government to more effectively address this important public issue. This plan is also the first to specifically outline an agreed set of actions to address social and emotional wellbeing, mental illness and suicide amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as a priority, as well as being the first to elevate the importance of addressing the physical health needs of people who live with mental illness and reducing the stigma and discrimination that accompanies mental illness.


English, 3.7 MB pdf

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