WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Stefnu og aðgerðaáætlun í geðheilbrigðsimálum til fjögurra ára (Four-year mental health policy and action plan)

Ministry of Health Government of Iceland Country Resources Mental Health Policies, Mental Health Strategies and Plans Iceland 29 April 2016 Policy document

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Meginmarkmið geðheilbrigðisstefnu:
Aukin vellíðan og betri geðheilsa lands¬manna og virkari samfélagsþátttaka einstaklinga sem glíma við geðraskanir til skemmri eða lengri tíma óháð búsetu þeirra.

1. Að þjónusta við einstaklinga með geðraskanir sé samþætt og samfelld.
2. Að uppeldisskilyrði barna stuðli að vellíðan þeirra.
3. Að fólki verði ekki mismunað á grundvelli geðheilsu.

Í aðgerða¬áætlun til að hrinda markmiðum geðheilbrigðisstefnunnar í fram¬kvæmd verði lögð megináhersla á samþættingu þjónustu við fólk með geðheilsuvanda og fjölskyldur þeirra og á geðrækt og for¬varnir þar sem sjónum verði sérstaklega beint að börnum og ung¬mennum. Einnig verði hugað að ýmsum jaðarhópum og viðkvæmum lífsskeiðum, sbr. þingsályktun nr. 8/143, og tilgreindar aðgerðir til að draga úr for¬dómum og mismunun.

Main objectives of mental health policy:
Increased well-being and better mental health of Icelanders, and more active community participation of individuals who suffer from mental disorders in the short or long term, regardless of where they live.

1. That services for individuals with mental disorders are integrated and continuous.
2. That the upbringing conditions of children contribute to their well-being.
3. That people will not be discriminated against based on mental health.

Action plan:
The action plan to implement the goals of the mental health policy will focus on the integration of services for people with mental health problems and their families, and on mental health and prevention, with a special focus on children and young people. Consideration will also be given to various marginal groups and vulnerable life stages, cf. parliamentary resolution no. 8/143, and specified measures to reduce prejudice and discrimination.


Icelandic, 196.8 kB pdf

WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.